Unfortunately, there were no schools in the Plains States Region that made our Best Animal-Assisted Therapy Schools list. You may want to check out our national ranking in the field instead.
Because of lacking data, we were not able to show you the animal-assisted therapy quality ranking. This is usually due to there not being enough schools in the Plains States Region that both offer animal-assisted therapy and provided enough information for us to do a proper analysis.
Instead, check out at some of our other Animal-Assisted Therapy rankings below or check out our overall Best Colleges for Animal-Assisted Therapy ranking.
Animal-Assisted Therapy is one of 16 different types of Rehabilitation & Therapeutic Professions programs to choose from.
Related Major | Annual Graduates |
Physical Therapy/Therapist | 1,484 |
Occupational Therapy | 969 |
Orthotist/Prosthetist | 85 |
Music Therapy | 62 |
Rehabilitation Science | 47 |
Play Therapy | 47 |
Art Therapy | 35 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling | 33 |
Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy | 20 |
Other Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions | 11 |
More about our data sources and methodologies.