University of Alaska Southeast Acceptance Rates & Admissions Statistics
How Do You Compare to University of Alaska Southeast Other Incoming Students?
By analyzing the admissions figures of recent freshman cohorts, get a better grasp of your likelihood of gaining admission to University of Alaska Southeast.
UAS Admission Statistics can help you to understand the likelihood of being accepted. Compare your SAT and ACT scores to previously accepted students. If your scores are lower than average, that may mean you should try to retake the exam or look at schools that better fit your scores. A college’s acceptance rates and selectivity are a good way to judge how difficult it is to be admitted.
Selectivity (Fall 2021): What’s the Acceptance Rate for Students?
Open Admissions
Selectivity of College
Average Selectivity
Acceptance Rate
Acceptance and Enrollment Stats (Fall 2021)
Applicant Total
Boys vs. Girls: Who’s Applying More?
Applicants: Men - Women 35 to 65
Accepted: Men - Women 37 to 63
Enrolled: Men - Women 42 to 58
Additional Question to Ask
A college’s selectivity gives us an idea of how rigorous the studies are, and how competitive the students are. However, not all students thrive in a competitive atmosphere, even if their grades are good. Does this college have the best learning environment for you?