Most college students will not be charged the full price tag of a school. Instead, they will be offered a financial aid package that includes a combination of loans, grants, scholarships and possibly work-study opportunities.
Discover the financial aid possibilities at PMI Renton and learn what assistance you might qualify for by continuing to read.
$4,518.00 is the typical Pima Medical Institute - Renton’s first year financial aid package. Approximately 86% of incoming freshmen obtain financial assistance, with the majority being offered as loans.
Student loans come included in financial aid packages, however, the only true discount off of the price of college is a grant or scholarship that you do not need to pay back.
Concerned about the student loans that might be part of your financing deal? Look at the average amount of debt per student at Pima Medical Institute - Renton.
In addition to scholarships, 72% of first-year students (237 total) got federal grant aid, averaging $4,533.00 per person.
The numbers and the graph following pertain to primarily federal grants, plus some local and state grants.
72% of first-year students at Pima Medical Institute - Renton (237 total) obtained a federal grant, averaging $4,533.00.
Information on grant and scholarship opportunities based on income level for [@ College.Name.AKA] students is not available to us.
The table above displays undergrads who are getting Title IV aid, federal aid from the government including loans, grants or work-study. Learn more here.
86% of the undergraduates at Pima Medical Institute - Renton receive some sort of grant aid. This is a total of about 241 students getting an average of $4,518.00 per person.The bulk of which are Pell Grants.
Check out the Tuition and Fees page or the Cost Per Credit Hour page to find out more.
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